Introducing New Service From Google : Google Drive

After successfully introducing Google+ to public as one of the biggest social networking media, Google is now developing an online drive that would be available to the public soon – Google Drive.

Google Drive provide 100Gb of free space that can be used as online file sharing and backup. Google might introducing this service due to the success that has been achieved by online files sharing and backup provider such as Dropbox, or Windows Skydrive.

As other Google services such as Google Docs, Gmail, etc, Google Drive is planned available as ​​free service. And if you want extra space, you will be charged. But 100 GB seems enough for personal online backup purposes.

A day ago, one of the writer on Geekwire, claims that Google has been activating Google Drive in his account. Here is the screenshot:


There is a link to “Install Google Drive”. This link might provide a download link to install Google Drive’s client to your computer – so the upload, download, and synchronization processes becomes easier to do.


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