Introducing IPFire Indonesia

IPFire is a Linux distribution that is intended to used as firewall. Its not only small, but also highly configurable and easy to use – even for a Linux novice. Few weeks a go I started running a blog that is part of the IPFire users community based in Indonesia called IPFire Indonesia.

This blog contains tutorials, guides, tips and tricks related to IPFire opensource firewall. Besides this blog also contains information about the development and news from the IPFire developers.

IPFire have a high degree of flexibility as an open source firewall distribution – such as rich of features that can be configured using a web interface. Making it extremely used by anyone!

IPFire has a GPL version 3, which makes it free, independent of specific vendors, open source and can be modified as needed.

Interesting features that can be used in IPFire such as advanced proxy, update accelerator, VPN, QoS, detailed statistics, integrated Intrusion Detection System (IDS), integrated packages management using pakfire, and its can run in embedded environments.

You can access the IPFire Indonesia via Facebook page or blog.

Facebook :
Blog :

See you there! :)


  1. Deni K

    Bro, saya mau nanya seputar virus yang nyerang HDD external saya. Beberapa HDD external saya terkena virus yang menyebabkan hampir semua foldernya di sembunyikan (SuperHidden). Beberapa tips saya sudah coba:
    1.Tentukan dulu Drive yang akan di unHidden misalkan dalam Flashdisk pada drive F:
    2.Klik start -> run -> ketik cmd dan enter
    3.Masuk ke Drive F: dengan perintah F:
    4.Ketikkan attrib -R -S -H /S /D kemudian tekan enter
    5.Tunggu sampai selesai kemudian selanjutnya refreshlah Drive tersebut pada Explorer
    6.Nah Selesai deh, harusnya folder yang di hidden virus pada drive F kembali tampak lagi.
    Tapi itu berlaku untuk Thumb drive, tidak berlaku untuk HDD. Mohon pencerahannya. Makasih bro…

    • fazar

      berkas yg superhidden di eksternal HD bisa ditongolin kok, coba aja scan pake smadav atau pake hidden file tool bikinan bang Ebta Setiawan, silakan download disini.

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