HostHatch Web Hosting Review

HostHatch Web Hosting Review

HostHatch, Inc. is an internet hosting company based on Florida, USA, and entered the web hosting scene in 2011. HostHatch providing wide varieties of web solutions such as virtualized cloud solutions, website hosting, content delivery network (CDN), etc.  I trust the hosting of to HostHatch, and they have been sponsored this blog for almost one month now.

Latest updates :

HostHatch has discontinue their shared hosting service on early December 2013. But don’t worry, there is a bunch of VPS hosting plans from HostHatch that may suit to your needs. You can read my short review about HostHatch’s VPS hosting plans here.


There are four main services featured by HostHatch : Cloud Nodes, 10 gbps VPS, website hosting, CDN and DNS.

Why HostHatch?

Personally, I’m having a good experience with HostHatch’s shared web hosting service. There are a few key reasons why I love their service :

  • HostHatch shared hosting runs under powerful servers and using powerful combination of well known shared hosting control panel cPanel, LiteSpeed which is known to be a high-performance and optimized web server, and also CloudLinux operating system – perfect suite for shared hosting environment. In the traditional hosting model, one user account able to hog all the resources of a server when their website got traffic spikes or running resource consuming apps/scripts. CloudLinux has ability to handle this problem by isolating users resource in a virtual environment – this allowing all websites to load fast without interfere the servers performance.
  • All webhosting packages comes with unlimited MySQL databases, massive storage, and loads of bandwidth. So, I can keep peace in mind when adding more contents to my blog without having thinking about out of web space or out of bandwidth.
  • HostHatch’s dedicated and friendly support team always available to help – I can use support tickets or online chat to get helps and to solve my problems.

HostHatch Shared Hosting Details

All of this shared hosting plans available within affordable monthly fee. You can see HostHatch’s shared web hosting package below :


Do you want to give top of the notch performance for your website? No problem, since HostHatch hosting packages also comes with free CDN service with 25 gigabytes of premium bandwidth.

Unfortunately, I’m not use HostHatch’s CDN service, so I cannot give further review and information regarding this service.

What is CDN?

Content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the Internet. The goal of a CDN is to serve content to end-users (your website/blog visitors in short) with high availability and high performance.

CDN will boost your blog or website page loads drastically, and make them more accessible from all locations over the world. CDN also make your website or blog visitors happy and give better search engine optimization (SEO) results. You can enjoy this free CDN service with a small one-time setup fee.

Visitors will be served by nearest CDN servers in order to improve website performances. Image below is representing how CDN works :


Webhosting Control Panel

HostHatch use latest version of most popular web hosting control panel – cPanel – its rich of features, accessible web interface and extremely easy to use. You can easily transfer files from your old hosting to HostHatch using backup and restore feature.

Advanced features such as advanced DNS editor is extremely useful for me, because I’m able to setup extra dns stuffs (cname, A, etc) there.

On the other hand, shared hosting cPanel seems to be lacks of popular third party features such as scripts/apps installer (Softaculous or Fantastico),  free CDN integrations (CloudFlare or Incapsula), or SEO tools (Attracta). But it’s not a big deal for me since I’m able to do my favourite scripts installation, setting up free CDN and search engine optimizations manually.

How about their uptime?

Once I switched my blog hosting to HostHatch, I’m also setup uptime monitoring using Pingdom. You can visit its public uptime reports here :

As you can see, we can expect 99.8% (or even more) uptime in average – it is considered to be good and acceptable uptime.


HostHatch provide what your websites, blogs, or your online business needed to continues grow up and evolve – such as feature-rich and stable web hosting service with outstanding supports – whenever you have any questions or concerns, be it technical or otherwise, there is always be someone from HostHatch available to helps.

HostHatch is highly recommended for everyone!


  1. hosthatch scam

    ati2 sama hosting ini
    saya cancel vps dan katanya mau direfund
    lantas saya nanya, kapan akan direfund.
    gak ada jawaban.
    besoknya lagi saya email, kapan direfund.
    gak ada jawaban lagi.
    harus pake model dispute ni

  2. HostHatch SCAM Warning Report!

    SCAM from HostHatch! They STEAL MY MONEY after pre-payment for 6 months!

    I deposited in Advance to my HostHatch account a 6 month pre-payment, incl. the cPanel option, so that when the invoice arrives, my websites and service won’t be interrupted.
    HostHatch, by mistake, suspended my account because no invoice was generated.
    I contacted them, they apologised and re-activate my account, BUT now all my websites were not working, my DNS was not resolving as it was before.
    I asked them politely either fix or refund me because I don’t know how to fix deal with it.
    They said I should pay another company that they recommend to fix it for me, because for this price they only provide hardware, not support.
    Since it’s been less than 7 days from my payment/billing cycle, I asked them for a refund. On top of that they never wish to help, like most other hosting providers do. I pay 30$ per month for a VPS including a cPanel (a 6 month pre-payment), I believe at least I should get some support, especially when the problem started after they, by mistake, suspended my account after which all my sites don’t work!
    I Canceled my service for which I prepaid through my Control Panel, so they know that I am not using it since I am asking for a refund in which they replied: “Submitting a cancellation request is not the channel to request for a refund, this is your choice to cancel your service immediately (early) or at the end of the billing period (the end).”
    So now I prepaid for 6 months then canceled after few days and they keep all my money. Do you guys believe is right to treat your customers this way? Any Recommendation guys you can give me or to them regarding this situation?

    • fazar

      Abdullah from HostHatch already giving explanation for your case @ Lowendtalk – they are unmanaged hosting provider, you can’t force them to manage your VPS, since their responsibility only to keep your VM up and running smoothly.

  3. bambang

    malem mas, mau nanya nih. cara setting DDoS Protected IP-Address yg ditawarin sama hosthatch gimana ya? setelah kita order itu IP, trus kita taruh dimana IPnya?

    tolong infonya

    • fazar

      Selamat pagi (sori baru reply).. hehehe. Kebetulan saya nggak pernah sih pake addons ddos protected ip (yang 5 dollar sebulan itu), jadinya nggak bisa bantu deh. Coba mas buka support ticket aja, minta aturin sama support staf nya langsung.

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