StoreID – Support Caching Youtube dan Facebook HTTPS

Ini catatan pribadi, isinya storeid untuk squid-3.x Support caching youtube (thanks Ces Pun), Facebook HTTPS, serta beberapa web lainnya (playstore, reverbnation, dan sebagainya). Untuk mengaktifkan log storeid, silakan set $debug=1; pada storeid, dan buat file “/tmp/storeid.log” yang sudah di chown ke user proxy/squid.

Untuk mengecek log, silakan “tail -f /tmp/storeid.log”.

Note : untuk konfigurasi membutuhkan squid-3.4.7 yang sudah di patch untuk bug # 3937 (storeid loop).


# storeid *test*
acl urlrewrite dstdomain
acl speedtest url_regex -i speedtest\/.*\.(jpg|txt)\?.*
acl reverbnation url_regex -i reverbnation.*audio_player.*ec_stream_song.*$
acl utmgif url_regex -i utm.gif.*
acl playstoreandroid url_regex -i*
acl idyoutube url_regex -i youtube.*(ptracking|stream_204|player_204).*(v\=|docid\=|video_id\=).*$
acl videoyoutube url_regex -i (youtube|googlevideo).*videoplayback\?
acl videoyoutube url_regex -i (youtube|googlevideo).*videoplayback\?
acl loop_302 http_status 302
acl getmethod method GET
store_id_program /usr/bin/perl /etc/squid/storeid
store_id_children 20 startup=0 idle=1 concurrency=5
store_id_access deny !getmethod
store_id_access allow urlrewrite
store_id_access allow speedtest
store_id_access allow reverbnation
store_id_access allow utmgif
store_id_access allow playstoreandroid
store_id_access allow idyoutube
store_id_access allow videoyoutube
store_id_access deny all

store_miss deny videoyoutube loop_302
send_hit deny videoyoutube loop_302

refresh_pattern (akamaihd|fbcdn)\.net 14400 99% 518400  ignore-no-store ignore-private ignore-reload ignore-must-revalidate store-stale
refresh_pattern -i squid\.internal 14400 99% 518400  ignore-no-store ignore-private ignore-reload ignore-must-revalidate store-stale
refresh_pattern \.(jpg|png|gif|css|ico)($|\?) 14400 99% 518400  ignore-no-store ignore-private reload-into-ims ignore-must-revalidate store-stale
refresh_pattern . 0 99% 518400  ignore-no-store ignore-private reload-into-ims store-stale


# with debug opt - based on
# @
# mods by cespun and fajar @
use IO::File;
$debug=0;			## recommended:0
$bypassallrules=0;		## recommended:0
$sucks="";			## unused
$sucks="sucks" if ($debug>=1);
$printtimenow=1;  		## print timenow: 0|1
my $logfile = '/tmp/storeid.log';

open my $logfh, '>>', $logfile
    or die "Couldn't open $logfile for appending: $!\n" if $debug;
$logfh->autoflush(1) if $debug;

while (<>) {
$timenow=time()." " if ($printtimenow);
print $logfh "$timenow"."in : $_" if ($debug>=1);
my $myURL = $_;
@X = split(" ",$myURL);
$a = $X[0]; ## channel id
$b = $X[1]; ## url
$c = $X[2]; ## ip address
$u = $b; ## url

if ($bypassallrules){
 $out="$u"; ## map 1:1

} elsif ($u=~ m/http.*\.(fbcdn|akamaihd)\.net\/h(profile|photos).*[\d\w].*\/([\w]\d+x\d+\/.*\.[\d\w]{3}).*/) {
	$out="OK store-id=" . $2 . "/" . $3 ;

} elsif ($u=~ m/^http(.*)static(.*)(akamaihd|fbcdn).net\/rsrc.php\/(.*\/.*\/(.*).(js|css|png|gif))(\?(.*)|$)/) {
	$out="OK store-id=" . $5 . "." . $6 ;

} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*utm.gif.*/) {
	$out="OK store-id=http://google-analytics.squid.internal/__utm.gif";
} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\/speedtest\/(.*\.(jpg|txt)).*/) {
	$out="OK store-id=http://speedtest.squid.internal/" . $1;
} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\/(.*\..*(mp4|3gp|flv))\?.*/) {
	$out="OK store-id=http://video-file.squid.internal/" . $1;

} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/c2lo\.reverbnation\.com\/audio_player\/ec_stream_song\/(.*)\?.*/) {
	$out="OK store-id=http://reverbnation.squid.internal/" . $1;
} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\.c\.android\.clients\.google\.com\/market\/GetBinary\/GetBinary\/(.*\/.*)\?.*/) {
	$out="OK store-id=http://playstore-android.squid.internal/" . $1;
} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*ptracking.*/){
	@video_id = m/[&?]video_id\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	@cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	unless (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
	open FILE, ">/tmp/@cpn";
	print FILE "@video_id";
	close FILE;
} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*stream_204.*/){
	@docid = m/[&?]docid\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	@cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	unless (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
	open FILE, ">/tmp/@cpn";
	print FILE "@docid";
	close FILE;
} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*player_204.*/){
	@v = m/[&?]v\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	@cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	unless (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
	open FILE, ">/tmp/@cpn";
	print FILE "@v";
	close FILE;
} elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*(youtube|googlevideo).*videoplayback.*/){
	@itag = m/[&?](itag\=[0-9]*)/;
	@range = m/[&?](range\=[^\&\s]*)/;
	@cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	@mime = m/[&?](mime\=[^\&\s]*)/;
	@id = m/[&?]id\=([^\&\s]*)/;
	if (defined(@cpn[0])){
		if (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
		open FILE, "/tmp/@cpn";
		@id = <FILE>;
		close FILE;}
	$out="OK store-id=http://video-srv.squid.internal/id=@id@mime@range";

} else {
	print $logfh "$timenow"."out: $a $out\n" if ($debug>=1);
	print "$a $out\n";
close $logfh if ($debug);

Tested untuk cache Facebook HTTPS dan youtube. Silakan di copas kalo pengen :D


  1. mas Fazar terima kasih atas ilmunya maaf jika belum bisa balas budi mas , saya merasa sangat terbantu mas semoga tambah lancar rezekinya mas

  2. musznik

    amazing! thanks for your work!

  3. dewi

    Masih Manjur kah wat chache youtube / https ??

  4. shr

    bagian ini untuk pfsense error, kiranya diganti apa gan ?
    store_miss deny videoyoutube loop_302
    send_hit deny videoyoutube loop_302

  5. shr

    ini bisa diterapkan di pfsense ?

  6. Hen

    kirimin email ke saya storeid dan squid.conf terbaru supaya bisa cache youtube https dong, pls


    • Jonathan David Lee

      Amazing job

  7. ibrahim

    Om nanya, pengen tau Aja bukannya YouTube/google ITU udah pake https, squidnya bisa nangkep https ? Apa harus diintercept dulu httpsnya dulu baru bisa caching?

    Thx om.

    • fazar

      yup.. harus di intersep https nya… btw, storeid yg ini mungkin outdated. :)

  8. Znet

    mas, store id + store pl ny itu copy semuanya ke squid.conf begitu kan ?

    • fazar di buat terpisah mas, jangan di gabungin ke squid.conf. ^^

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